The Importance of Effective Wayfinding in Hospitals

Hospital is a busy place with everybody in a rush. Patients, doctors, visitors, and staff are under stress. Their stress can increase many times when they face difficulties in finding ways. It happens often with visitors, patients, and even with staff, especially in large hospitals. Wayfinding can help everyone with the necessary information and direction. It saves you time, increases safety and efficiency, and user experience. Creatively designed wayfinding signage can contribute to the overall appearance of a hospital.

Benefits of Wayfinding Signage in Hospitals

The primary purpose of wayfindings is to help in navigation. But its benefits are not simply limited to it. You can experience the following benefits from them:

Wayfinding in Hospitals

Saves from Getting Lost

Large hospitals have many doctor chambers, floors, departments, and counters. Finding them for a first-time visitors is quite difficult. So, getting lost is not rare in hospitals. In fact, it is more common than you may think. The Journal of mHealth says that about 30% of first-time visitors get lost in hospitals

Wayfinding signage can prevent people from getting lost. Clear signs guide patients and visitors to their destinations. You can clearly mark and direct different areas, such as:

  • Main entrances and exits
  • Emergency room directions
  • Patient rooms and wards
  • Reception and information desks
  • Outpatient clinics
  • Diagnostic imaging (X-ray, MRI, CT scan)
  • Laboratories
  • Operating rooms
  • Intensive care units (ICUs)
  • Pharmacies
  • Cafeterias and dining areas, etc. 

Reduces Stress of Patients and Visitors

Hospitals are tense areas. Visitors are often worried, nervous, and stressed. They can easily get lost or lose directions. This often makes them sick. The AI journal suggests that this can result in several issues, including:

  • A sense of helplessness
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Increased physical exertion
  • Fatigue and stress, etc. 

The same can happen to both new and experienced doctors. With wayfinding, you can prevent such bad experiences. People can navigate on their own and feel better and confident. 

Saves Time for Everyone 

Time is always valuable. In the hospital, it becomes priceless. You have no time to waste. Finding ways can be time-consuming when there are not enough directions. Wayfinding can solve this issue with effective navigation aids. Patients can reach appointments on time. Visitors locate their loved ones without delays. This saves them from getting paranoid. 

Wayfinding also saves your staff from spending time giving directions. A study by Gozio Health reveals that staff spend 1.5 minutes giving directions every day. And it takes more than five minutes to help a lost person. You can save valuable time with effective wayfinding signs in your hospital

Increase Staff Efficiency

Wayfinding can increase staff efficiency in multiple ways. First, they don’t have to spend time giving directions. They can stay focused on their core duty. They feel less disturbed and maintain the operational workflow. Second, wayfindings play a role in stress reduction, too. They get tense when they face difficulty in finding their destination. Imagine a nurse walking around and not finding the OT before an operation! This could make her nervous and affect efficiency. The chances of such an incident reduces with proper healthcare navigation signs. 

Improves Overall Patient and Visitor Experience

Hospital signage helps you improve the visitor experience and achieve patient satisfaction. Clear signs provide visitor guidance. They don’t have to bother asking around. Navigation becomes much easier with interactive maps and other digital signs. Patients can also take a walk on their own if no relative is with them. This reduces the feeling of dependency and improves patient experience. 

You should have signs to direct to every major area of the hospital. It includes a cafeteria and washrooms as well. Otherwise, a visitor may leave with a bad experience. This can affect your reputation and may cost you financially in the long run. 

Increases Safety in the Hospital

Some areas of the hospital are not accessible to everyone. This is to ensure the safety of people and the hospital. You can use different signs to help people understand the medical facility layout. This ensures everyone knows where to go. Efficient patient flow reduces overcrowding and improves accessibility. In emergency situations, people can find their way towards emergency exits. This helps during evacuations and saves people from getting lost. 

Contributes to the Aesthetic Appearance 

You can also enhance the overall appearance of the hospital with creative signage design. Technological integration improves the look and functions. Attractive designs also make them more visible and easy to notice. Wayfinding technology, like digital displays, adds a high-tech touch. They make the hospital look organised and professional. Besides, attractive signage creates a welcoming environment. Patients and visitors feel more at ease. 

Different Types of Wayfinding Signage

Different Types of Wayfinding Signage

Hospitals use different kinds of wayfinding signage. You can categorise them into four groups. They are directional, regulatory, informational, and informational. 

Directional Signage

These signs guide people to their destinations. People can use the signs to find places like emergency rooms, restrooms, and other places. This improves hospital accessibility. 

Examples of directional signage:

  • Entrance and exit signs
  • Department and ward signs
  • Restroom signs
  • Elevator and staircase signs
  • Cafeteria signs
  • Parking lot signs
  • Emergency exit signs, etc. 

Regulatory Signs

Regulatory signs are used to enforce rules and safety regulations. The purpose is to promote a safe environment. Regulatory signage prioritises signs over words. So, they are easy to understand for everyone. According to the Department of Social Services, 44% of Australian adults lack literacy in day-to-day reading. Examples of regulatory signs are:

  • No smoking signs
  • Hand hygiene reminders
  • Restricted area signs
  • No entry signs
  • Fire extinguisher location signs, etc. 

Informational Signs

Informational signs provide essential details and updates. Their purpose is to inform patients and visitors about important hospital information. You can mention visiting hours, hospital directories, and policies. They can be utilised to provide medical information, too. For example:

  • COVID-19 safety measures signs
  • Information about various diseases and their symptoms, etc. 

Identificational Signs

Label specific areas or rooms using these signs. This improves clarity and self-navigation. You can use these signs to identify:

  • Room numbers
  • Department 
  • Doctor’s office
  • Nurse station
  • Pharmacy
  • ICU, OT, ECU, ER, etc. 

How to Improve Wayfinding in Hospitals?

Since wayfinding serves several important benefits, you need to be strategic with them. This will help you get the most out of them. You should consider the following factors when installing them:

Colour and Size

Colour is a major criterion to think about. Make sure the background and the sign are contrasting. This improves visibility and accessibility. Don’t forget about colour blindness. In Australia, about 10% of men are colour-blind, according to the government survey. Avoid using the same colour everywhere. 

The size of the signage is equally important. Some signs are okay in small sizes, but some need to be larger. Try to maintain a proportion among various signs. This improves the aesthetic appeal, too. 

Prioritise Visual Cues

Hospital signage should prioritise visual signs. Use clear symbols and icons alongside text. Make sure the symbols are universal. Consistent use of shapes and icons reduces confusion. For example, a wheelchair symbol can be used for accessibility routes. 

Integrate Technologies with Signage

Consider integrating various technologies. Add LED, neon signs, QR codes, and digital displays. Include interactive kiosks that provide maps and directions. It makes finding much easier. These signs are easy to locate. Positioning them in the right place is crucial. Visitors won’t have to bother your staff. And staff can also find their way to cabins and offices without hassle. 

Use Durable Materials 

You must opt for durable materials. They ensure longevity and reliability. Acrylic, aluminium, PVC, stainless steel, tempered glass, etc., are popular in hospital signage. They have different benefits, such as:

  • Acrylic is a popular choice for its clarity and strength. 
  • Aluminium is resistant to rust and weather.
  • PVC is lightweight and durable, suitable for various environments. 
  • Stainless steel offers a sleek look and is highly durable. It is also rust-resistant. 
  • Laminated signs resist wear and tear and keep the message clear. 
  • Tempered glass offers a modern and professional vibe with durability. 

Hire A Professional Signage Maker

You should let a professional team make the hospital signs. They can maintain consistency in your hospital wayfinding systems. Professionals know what signs are suitable for different needs. They can customise the signs to fit your specific needs. Installation is done correctly and securely. They can help you with their expertise regarding materials, size, and colours. 

Final Thought

You see, wayfindings play different important roles in hospitals. It improves efficiency, saves time, and improves patient experience. Signage 4Business Group also ensures the signs contribute to aesthetics. We help you with the design, placement, and installation. Our support team is always available to help you with the maintenance. Our quality of work makes us a reliable signage company in Brisbane. We ensure everyone can use the signs and never get lost in your hospital. 


What colour signage is ideal for hospital signage?

You should use soft and calming hues. Hence, blues, greens, and light sprays are suitable for hospitals. Consider contrasting colours for clarity. You should limit the use of red to ensure colour-blind people can also use them. 

How to position wayfind for maximum visibility?

You should position the hanging wayfinding at eye level. Make sure they are in clear sightlines and near decision points. There should not be any obstruction in front of them. Place larger signs at main entrances and smaller, more specific ones at intersections.

Do I need wayfinding signage outside the hospital?

Yes, you surely need to place wayfinding signage outside the hospital. Clear external signage helps visitors locate the main entrance, parking areas, and emergency services. This reduces their stress and improves their first impression. 

What is the best place for a digital touchscreen to help hospital navigation?

Choose high-traffic areas to position the digital touchscreen. This will maximise visibility and help more visitors. Therefore, hospital entrances, main corridors, and department hubs are ideal for them. 


Signage Tips

July 31, 2024